SSBB Custom Content Wiki

After much reorganizing with the Smash Workshop (now Smash Workshop General), Bionic Sonic, mic_128, JV, and Yeroc have decided to make different subforums for the different Workshop categories. These new categories are Smash Workshop General, Tutorials, FAQs, & Help, Workshop Brawl, Brawl Code Sets, and Customized Content. Being a specialized Customized Content wiki, this change will mean for major improvements to this wiki as well, as the reorganization makes for easier finding of content.

Also, I would like to thank those of you who have contributed to this wiki while I have been away for family reasons. No deaths, mind you, just there were some problems we were having that prevented me from being on my computer for long. The wiki is still a growing place, but without your contributions and interest in this wiki, I don't know how far it could've gone. I plan on making an overhaul to some locations by the end of next week, possibly sooner, to deal with the new organization at SmashBoards.

The wiki is now also looking for candidates for moderators. It would be great if the people who want to be a moderator is knowledgeable in Wiki code, as I have picked things up, but by no means have mastered all of the outs and ins of Wiki editing.

